Friday, December 11, 2009

My First Snowball Fight

A few weeks ago, my brother, Noah, and I had a "snowball" fight in our back yard, on the porch.

It was really fun. Here's what happened.

First, we looked out the window and saw "snow"! IT wasn't really snow, but really more like frozen water. We didn't know that it wasn't really snow, though, so we rushed outside anyway. As I ran outside, I yelled, "Holy Cow, its snowing!" I was wearing my new winter jacket that was so big I could hardly move in it.

As soon as I got outside, Noah had already made a snowball and he was ready to throw it at me. It took me a long time to get my big stiff coat on, as well as my shoes and gloves. After he hit me in the face, I said, "Bring it, baby!!!"

So, the war began.

Once Maggie, my 10-year old sister, came outside, she was mad at me. Noah and I ganged up on her and hit her in the face. Then, one of my friends named Kevin came over. He joined us in the war.

The teams were Maggie vs. Noah. Kevin and Lydia were in the middle. I was jumping in between the teams because I thought it would be funny to gang up on Maggie, then Gang up on Noah, and then Maggie again. Plus this seemed fair to me.

I hit Maggie in the leg multiple times when she was on my team making snowballs. I said, "Thank You Maggie," because she had just given me more ammo, but then I pegged her in the leg.

Personally, I thought this was funny. But she obviously didn't, since she yelled at me afterwards.

The highlight of the fight was probably when Mama called us in and I pegged Maggie and Noah one last time. Sometimes, I love being a big brother.

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