Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Black Eye

Well, it goes like was a dark alley. There were five of them. They went for my sister...if you think this is bad, you should have seen them!

Seriously, I was in the basement playing very rough with my little brother. He accidentally kicked me in the face. This is the sad result.


Phil Henry said...

You look like such a dude, son!

Unknown said...

Hello Fitch-meister!!!
I am only responding to one photo, but read all of your descriptions with great interest. Your posting s are interesting and informative...a great combination.

I am sure you know that we MISS YOU!!! but are happy for this next part of your life. We trust that God is in control and he is the Big Moving Buddy for sure.

We will come to see you soon.
Love Gigi

Christina Jorg said...

Cool eye, Fitch! It would make Trevor, Jason, and Matthew proud to show that off it they had it. We miss you guys. Tell your family HI from all the Jorgs. It was fun reading all the other post that you did!

Mrs. Jorg

Fitch said...

Dear Mrs. Jorg,

Please tell Trevor that the Phillies beat the Cubs. Also, tell him that we did lose to the Yankees in the World Series, sniff sniff.

He can visit me any time.