Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I was inspired by the modern art work at a museum and I discovered that I can't draw real things. Here is one of about 13 drawings that I have done instead.

RubiK's Cube

These past few weeks, I have started to learn how to solve the Rubik's Cube and I am proud to say that after many days, I know how to solve it. Here is the before and after picture. My record is two minutes and thirty seconds so far:

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Did you notice the new picture widget to the right? I was experimenting with what I could do with blogger and this is what I came up with.

I don't really know a lot about Lamborghinis, but I know that they are nice looking and they go pretty fast.

The rotating picture is a widget. All you do is choose slideshow from the widget menu. Then you type in the keyword you want, like "water" or "snow." You get the point.

Try it yourself and see what you can do.


I had a very merry Christmas and, so far, a happy New Year. I was looking forward to a really grand holiday season, and I got my wish.

But now, after more than a week and a half of vacation, tomorrow I go back to that dreaded place called SCHOOL!

Good news, though: before Christmas, my progress report came in the mail, and I am getting an A in math. But, going back now, I hope that I did not forget anything because I will be in big doo doo.

My first Christmas present in New Jersey was SNOW. I think it snowed more than two feet the weekend before Christmas. The first snow, which I wrote about below, was nothing by comparison to this BLIZZARD.

I have spent a lot of time on a few other presents I received. For example, the yo-yo that I now have is my favorite toy when I have nothing to do.

My Rubiks Cube was fun until my dad messed it up. Oh well, I guess I have to figure it out myself now.

I love my new Wii game--Indiana Jones Lego--but, it was easier than I thought and I'm already 81% of the way done.

Speaking of Legos, I received a Technix Go Cart--its green and about 8 inches long. But, it wasn't very hard to put together: I finished it while watching Up, the movie.

So, I'm feeling the Lego itch to build something new, but I need some inspiration.

Ideas, anyone?